
What's ITN up to?

Visit this page to find out about recent ITN events, software updates, publications, new projects, and more!

ITN Workshops at Hutch were a Success!

Attendees came from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle Children's Hospital, and the University of Washington.

Ava Hoffman presented a workshop about creating Data Management and Sharing Plans for NIH proposals.

Ava Hoffman, Carrie Wright, and Elizabeth Humphries (with content from Candace Savonen) presented a workshop about AI Considerations for Research.

Carrie Wright presented a workshop about using LaTeX and Overleaf to create scientific article preprints.

ITN Package gets a shoutout!

Our package Metricminer, which helps scientist track the usage of their software and outreach efforts, was featured in an article for

Train the TRAINER Citizen Science event - SEATTLE, WA

May 3, 2024, from 11 AM -3 PM
This workshop is a collaborative initiative between community organizers, advocates, researchers, and practitioners dedicated to addressing cancer disparities. The workshop focuses on the integrated use of Citizen scientists and Cancer Informatics as a model of engagement in cancer research and practice. The initial lineup of featured presenters for the Train-the-Trainer Spring 2024 workshop includes professional leaders and researchers from Fred Hutchinson, Morehouse School of Medicine and the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Photo by Neil Soni on Unsplash 

ITN resources shared at AACR

Carrie Wright presented at the American Association for Cancer Research AACR 2024 conference in San Diego, California about the ITN and the resources available.

See the slides here.

ITN is now on LinkedIN

We now have a profile on LinkedIn! Follow us here:

New Software on Cran!

We created a new R package that is now on CRAN to help people more easily collect metrics from various places. Check it out here: 

Course on LatEX and Overleaf on Coursera

Our course introducing learners to writing smarter with Overleaf and LaTeX is now available on Coursera.

New Courses on AI!

We have created 4 minicourses that are part of a larger course on AI for Decision Makers. You can take the courses on Coursera if you already have a membership or access the materials here. We will launch the courses on Leanpub soon!

New Cancer Data Science Challenge Website!

Our colleagues at Sage Bionetworks have created a new website called, which helps connect people to biomedical challenges to accelerate citizen science and data benchmarking.

Check out the current challenges!

Loqui Supports Subtitles

Loqui, an interactive web application that helps you create videos from slides (Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides), now supports subtitles! You can download a text file in .srt format, complete with timestamped subtitles, or embed these subtitles directly into your videos. This lets you easily upload subtitled videos to Youtube by uploading your mp4 video file and including subtitles by uploading the srt file generated by Loqui. 

You can try Loqui out here:  

ITN education content gets a shout out!

The National Cancer Institute Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology has created a new cancer data science resource that includes some of the ITN's materials and more. 

Check out the wide variety of cancer data science training resources on! Whether you are new to the field or a seasoned researcher looking to expand your data science skills, you’ll find basic resources, free courses, tips, and more in the new section!

our Poster at AACR Conference in Orlando RECEIVED special designation

Our team, including Maisha Standifer (a partner at the Morehouse school of medicine), Le’Chaun Kendall, and Rohan Jeremiah presented a poster titled Increasing cancer-related community-engagement strategies among Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Serving Institutions (A047) at the AACR science of cancer health disparities in racial/ethnic minorities and the medically underserved conference. The conference selection committee gave our poster a special Patient Advocate Designation. See here for a relevant paper.

AACR_23_UE5_FINAL_POSTER 2023 09 29[12].pdf

ITN Workshops at the Annual ITCR meeting covered reproducibility practices

Candace Savonen led two workshops at the ITCR 2023 annual meeting. The first introduced trainees to the pull request process using Git and GitHub for version control and code review. The second introduced concepts related to automation using GitHub Actions

LOQui Now supports Google Slides and PowerPoint

Loqui which is a web-based app that helps you create videos from slides (both from Power Point or Google Slides). The notes become the audio, and the slides become the images. You can try Loqui out here:  

ITN Events at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Were a Hit!

ITN delivered 4 workshops in August 2023 at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, Washington, engaging with numerous cancer researchers, post docs, students, and scientists, covering a variety of topics. 

A Genomics Tools Workshop featured the UCSC Xena Browser

Candace Savonen provided general guidance for genomics research and directed attendees to ITN resources for learning about what to do with various  types of genomic data (including content about whole genome sequencing from Claire Mills).

Cailin Jordan  (a Hutch graduate student) gave a presentation about sc-ATAC-Seq

Jacob Greene (a Hutch graduate student) gave a presentation about ChIP-Seq

Mary Goldman gave a demonstration of how the UCSC Xena Browser can help visualize many aspects of genomics research. The Xena Browser  is an online exploration tool for public and private, multi-omic and clinical/phenotype data.

A Cancer Computing Workshop helped attendees learn more about resources

Carrie Wright taught about how computers work, the evolution of computing, how shared and cloud computing resources work, and resources for cancer research computing, including Galaxy and the Hutch computing cluster (available to Hutch employees).

An AI Workshop helped Attendees learn how to harness the power of AI for their daily work 

Candace Savonen and Elizabeth Humphries taught about how to craft useful prompts, how to work with chatbots ethically, and the differences between many of the current popular Chatbots and tools. 

A Workshop about multidisciplinary teams and DEI  help attendees learn practices for effectively working in teams

Carrie Wright taught about best practices for finding, creating, and nurturing multidisciplinary teams, as well as for helping to support team members with diverse scientific backgrounds and life experiences.

ITN Events at TGEN were interactive!

ITN delivered 2 workshops in August 2023 at Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGEN) in Phoenix, Arizona. 

Attendees from the Native American Cancer Prevention (NACP) Partnership, TGEN and the University of Arizona, and Northern Arizona University joined us to learn about cancer computing resources, like Galaxy and microbiome analysis.

Greg Caporaso gave a demonstration of QIIME2, a next-generation microbiome bioinformatics platform that is extensible, free, open source, and community developed. 

ITN reached out at the NCI junior Investigator meeting

Howard Baek presented about ITN courses, software, and more at the 2023 annual National Cancer Institute (NCI) Junior Investigator meeting with a poster, short talk, and lunch session.

NCI Junior Investigator Poster 2023

ITN Got a shout out on the Cancer Data Science Pulse Blog

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology blog called the Cancer Data Science Pulse featured the ITN in a post February 1, 2022 titled NCI’s ITCR Training Network Puts Cancer Research Tools and Training at Your Fingertips