
The ITCR OPEN - Operations, Promotion, Education, and Networking - group aims to open up new opportunities for ITCR participants (investigators and teams). We aim to increase the impact of the technologies developed by ITCR participants, improve the effectiveness of our day-to-day work, and support one another. OPEN was originally called the Training and Outreach Working (TOW) group.

Meeting Times!

We meet on the second Thursday of every month from 4-5 PM EST

Recordings of meetings are linked on the agenda.

Please fill out the OPEN Group joining form if you are interesting in participating.

Please note that participants must be currently or previously funded by the ITCR.

Goals of the OPEN working group:


To achieve the above goals we plan to:

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Tentative Schedule

Publications from OPEN

Future Meeting Ideas

Please reach out at the form above if you have other ideas!


Past Meetings

Speakers: Helen Parkinson, Bjoern Peters, and Harry Hochheiser

Speakers: Mary Goldman (Xena), Martin Morgan (formally analyzed metrics for  Bioconductor), Michael Reich (GenePattern, IGV, and GSEA)!

See slides from this meeting at this link.

See slides from this meeting at this link.

Recordings of meetings are available on the agenda - please request access by filling out the form above to join the OPEN group.

See here for meetings from before May 2022.